Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hello, a little update

Long time no see, managed to take abit off time from completing assignments and work related stuffs to log into my once loved blog. Hasn't been blogging since 2013 due to my tons of excuses. The good thing I noticed about blogging is, reading the older post seems to bring me back in time. I still remember the countless laughter and joy I gained from knowing people owning the same interest and passion for makeups.
Instead of repeating that I'm coming back which I'm not so confident of, I rather say I will drop a few surprise post from time to time. Hoping that the frequency will increase in the future.
What have I been up to?
I signed up for a 2 years course, yes it sounds crazy for working life + family but that's part of my life journey to go for. Its finally ending December this year.
Pluck up my courage to embrace the beauty of having a braces to straighten my teeth. My teeth were in complete disaster mode, it was until endless dental consultation, I decided to make the change.
Travelling! Yes, its still part of me or at least this part still remains.
Taipei-Seoul-Busan -> 2012
Seoul -> 2013
Switzerland & Paris -> 2013
Malacca -> 2014
Guangzhou-Hongkong -> 2014
another trip in the planning
I moved! my dream house which took 2 years in the making was finally ready in 2014. It is a pretty small unit as housing in Singapore cost a bomb and also the purchases to fill it up.
Let's chat again soon.

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